- Online backup to Amazon S3 cloud storage
- Ability to backup over 1,000,000 files in a single item
- Ability to create ZIP files with unlimited size
- Optimized for fast work with very large amounts of data
- Blu Ray media support
- Backup of open files using VSS
- Backup to secure FTP servers
- IE7 and Firefox plugins
- Option to start backup immediately on any modification of selected files
- Backup size calculation on the fly
- Option to write error messages to the system log
- Option to mirror file deletions on synchronization
- Command line interface for import and export of configuration
- Option to restore any stored version of a file when using timestamps
- New weekly timestamps format
- Backup to self-restorable executable files
- Option to specify alternative destination for backup
- Additional criteria to filter files by creation and modification date
- Ability to specify include/exclude masks for synchronization items
- Ability to divide backup archive to several volumes with specified size
- Option to exclude empty folders from backup
- Option to add file or folder to an existing backup item from Windows Explorer
- Ability to include/exclude subtrees of registry keys as usual folders
- Automatic search and backup for: Explorer favorites, history and cookies;
Windows Settings (Appearance, Mouse, Cursors, Console, Fonts, IE Settings,
Desktop); Modem settings; Windows Address Book; My Documents; MSN data;
- Backup of access permissions and alternate streams for files and folders on NTFS drives
- Option to avoid file splitting between spanned discs due to insufficient space
by moving the whole file to the next span
- Option to close CD tray after writing
- Volume labels for CD/DVD
 - Validity check for saved backup data
- Safe write option to remove the previous backup only after saving a new one

- Option to hide program icon in the system tray
- Ability to execute items from the right click menu on system tray icon
- Option to shutdown, logoff or hibernate after backup completion.
Reader's Club: Learn about important milestones in the history of data backup evolution.
- Full CD-RW and DVD support with disk spanning
- Backup and synchronize with LAN and FTP
- Integrated ZIP compression
- 128-bit encryption with Blowfish
- Flexible and powerful scheduler
- Can run in service mode on Windows NT/2000/XP
- CRC verification when writing on CD/DVD

- Quick erase option for CD/DVD
- Speed selection for CD/DVD burning
- Flexible file selection and file masks handling
- Multi-threaded transfer engine that executes backups in the background with minimum system resource consumption

- Command line interface for professional users
- Ability to store multiple versions of backup files with timestamps
- A number of options to specify default actions executed without user interaction
when running in service mode

- Option to run backup on log on/log off
- Options to set any other program to run before or after processing an item
- Backup of selected registry keys
- MD4/MD5 password authentication for FTP servers
- Import/export of all settings and registration status
- Option to restore to a folder different from the original one
- E-mail notification about operation results
- Support for SMTP servers requiring authorization
- Ability to choose priority for the background backup process
- Option to wait N minutes after logon before processing backups

- Activity log in RTF format with the option to automatically ZIP old log files
- Choice between more and less detailed log view
- Windows XP compatible user interface