Backup Platinum FAQ
Backup Platinum run as a service?
Yes. By default Backup Platinum runs as a usual application, but you can switch it to the
service mode using the "Settings" dialog.

the program backup onto Blu-Ray discs (BD)?
Yes. Backup Platinum 4.0 fully supports writing to Blu-Ray discs.
You can use any BD-R, BD-RE or BD-RW compatible media and corresponding BD-R/RE devices to backup your data.

the program backup to external hard disks connected via USB?
Yes, the program supports backup to all USB and ZIP drives and works with them in the same way
as with the local drives.

I created
backup of "My Documents" directory on one machine. How can I restore the directory to another machine
using the program?
Click the "Open Item" button on the toolbar on the machine, where you want to restore your data.
The "Open Item Wizard" will appear. Specify corresponding index file (it has the ".bpi" extension and
should reside in the directory where you put your backup). Follow the instructions of the wizard.
Upon finishing the wizard, backup item will appear in the items list. Now you can restore your files.
Select the item in the list and then click the "Restore" button.

Can I backup
my emails from Microsoft Outlook using Backup Platinum?
Yes, you can do this. Create a new backup item and on the second page of New Item Wizard
("Select What to Backup" page) click the "Add..." button and select the "MS Outlook Files" option.
For details, see Specify What to Backup topic.
On the whole, the program can backup many special data types: registry keys, "My Documents" folder,
Explorer Favorites, Explorer History, Windows Address Book, MSN chats history, ICQ chats history,
modem settings, Windows settings (including fonts, mouse, console, appearance, desktop and Internet
Explorer settings), Firefox profiles, emails and account settings for Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express
(and Windows Mail) and Thunderbird.

Is it possible
to backup an open file that is in use by another program?
Yes, it is possible. Make sure that the option "Backup open files using VSS" on the
Advanced tab of
"Item Properties" dialog is turned on. Backup Platinum 4.0 uses the VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service)
technology to backup open files.
Note that VSS is supported in Windows XP/2003/Vista. Older versions of Microsoft Windows do not have
this service. "Backup open files" feature will work only under Windows XP/2003/Vista provided that
1. The VSS service is enabled on your system, and
2. There is at least one NTFS volume.
To check that VSS is enabled on your system, go to "Control Panel", select "Administrative Tools" and
choose "Services". Find "Volume Shadow Copy" service in the list of services and view its "Startup Type"
column. Check that this service is not disabled. (By default it is not disabled.)
Tip. You do not need to start the Volume Shadow Copy service manually.
Backup Platinum will start it if necessary.
If the VSS service is unavailable (it is the case of older versions of Microsoft Windows, or when
VSS is disabled on your system), Backup Platinum will not process files already opened by other programs.

Are there any
restrictions on size of backup files?
As Backup Platinum uses the latest ZIP 64 technology, there are practically no limits on file size and
the number of files. You can backup over 64535 files or folders at once, or files larger than 4 GB.

If I want
to backup several folders on a drive, can I add the whole drive and then deselect all unneeded folders
leaving only the ones that I want to backup?
Yes, you can do this. If you do not want the program to backup the certain files/folders,
just uncheck them in the list of files/folders to be backed up (for details, see
Specify What to Backup topic).
By the way, you can simply add all needed folders to your backup set. On the second page of New Item
Wizard ("Select What to Backup" page) click the "Add..." button and choose the "Folders" option.
In the "Browse for folders" dialog, select as many folders as you need – for this, place checkmarks
near desired folders, and click "OK".

the program do a full restoration to a blank hard drive?
Yes, the program can do this. However, the program is not designed for backing up system files
and you cannot use it for restoring the whole operation system.

If I
create a new backup using Backup Platinum, what will become of the backup files after the 30 days
trial period? Do those files continue to be accessible via Windows Explorer?
You can access these files via Windows Explorer provided they are not encrypted with Backup Platinum.
To decrypt such files you should use Backup Platinum.

the program run only if the computer is connected to the Internet?
No. You don't need to be connected to the Internet, unless you want to keep your data on a remote
FTP server.

Backup Platinum support tape drives?
Currently Backup Platinum 4.0 does not support tape drives.